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2010 spotted knapweed project
Project leader: W. Brinkmann
Clark Lake-North Beach
Eastern section:
All plants on the sandy strip next to the water and numerous outlyers to the north were hand-pulled. The most densely infected strip along the portion of the Clark Lake trail running across the eastern section of the beach was mowed (on a very hot and hazy day). All plant matter was bagged and removed.
Western section:
Several plants growing along the trail between the eastern and western section of the North Beach and numerous plants growing on the western section (swimming beach) were hand-pulled. All plants were bagged and removed.
Loon Lake
There is a patch of spotted knapweed growing on the northern sandy shore, just east of the Clark-Loon portage trail. This patch has been in existence for several years and a number of visitors, realizing the problem, have pulled the plants. Unfortunately, some visitors then throw the plants on the ground which only spreads the seeds.
All plants and a large number of first-year rosettes were hand-pulled. Plant remains found on the ground were gathered. All plant material was bagged and hauled across Clark Lake by kayak.
Photos by W. Brinkmann